[Vuejs]-Vue.js table sorting (HTML & Buefy)



I actually solved my own question myself but it took some time.

The easiest way might be emitting the click in element like this (the place with normal HTML table, child component):

      <th @click="$emit('sort', {column: 'Name', isAsc: !isAsc})">Name</th>
      <th> ... </th>
props: {
  isAsc: Boolean,
  sortedBy: String

And something like this would be inserted in the parent component:

<child-component-name @sort="sortTable" :sortedBy="sortedBy" :isAsc="isAsc" v-if="yourTableSummary"> ... </child-component-name>
components: {
  'child-component-name': NameOfYourComponent

data() {
    return {
        isAsc: true,
        sortedBy: 'Name'
        yourTableSummary: {}

methods: {
    sortTable({column, isAsc}) {
        // Set isAsc to default if sorted column changes
        if (column != this.sortedBy) {
            isAsc = true

        let sortedList = []
        if (isAsc) {
            sortedList =
                this.yourTableSummary.Rows.sort((a, b) => {
                    return a[column].localeCompare(b[column])
        } else {
            sortedList =
                this.yourTableSummary.Rows.sort((a, b) => {
                    return (a[column].localeCompare(b[column]) * -1 )

        this.yourTableSummary.Rows = [...sortedList]
        this.sortedBy = column
        this.isAsc = isAsc

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