Have you considered to put your id as a computed prop?
If you leave it in the component data, it will just update on create the component, and you can remove the watcher over $route, what is a higher operation than a computed property.
return {
user: {},
thoughts: {},
viewProfile() {
// You can use destructuring here over your response
axios.get('user_profile/' + this.id).then(({ data: { user_data, thoughts } }) => {
this.user = user_data;
this.thoughts = thoughts;
}).catch(() => {
computed: {
id() {
return this.$route.params.id;
// because of the vue lifecycle hooks, this should be a `mounted` hook intead of a `created`
mounted() {
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sorry for the trouble mates i fixed the issue by changing some routes configurations. Really thankful for your efforts.There was a collision between my web routes and the vue routes which was solved.
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