[Vuejs]-Vue JS props gives undefined even declared in parent


The v-for directive does not automatically assign the attribute to the generated component; it just makes that variable available in scope and then lets you do with it what you wish. This includes doing simple operations on it, or giving it as a prop to a child component of the repeating component instead of to the root.

What you actually need to do is this:

<my-component v-for="(meat, index) in meats" :meat="meat" :key="meat.id" :index="index"></my-component>

It may look repetitive but it’s necessary to give you more freedom as to how exactly you want to use the elements of the array.


In fact, you don’t have index and meat as props but meats. So

Change this:

props:('index', 'meat'),

To this:

props:['meats'], // also to note, it's in array syntax

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