I can’t tell you why your code is not working because it is an incomplete example but I can walk you through a minimal working example that does what you are trying to accomplish.
The first thing you want to do, is to ensure your vue-router is configured correctly.
export default new Router({
mode: "history",
routes: [
path: "/",
component: Hello
path: "/dynamic/:type",
component: DynamicParam,
props: true
Here I have a route configured that has a dynamic route matching with a parameter, often called a slug
, with the name type
. By using the :
before the slug in the path, I tell vue-router that I want it to be a route parameter. I also set props: true
because that enables the slug value to be provided to my DynamicParam component as a prop. This is very convenient.
My DynamicParam component looks like this:
<li v-for="t in things" :key="t">{{ t }}</li>
const collectionOfThings = {
a: ["a1", "a2", "a3"],
b: ["b1", "b2"],
c: [],
export default {
props: ["type"],
data() {
return {
things: [],
watch: {
type: {
handler(t) {
this.things = collectionOfThings[t];
immediate: true,
As you can see, I have a prop that matches the name of the slug available on this component. Whenever the ‘slug’ in the url changes, so will my prop. In order to react to those changes, I setup a watcher to call some bit of code. This is where you can make your fetch/axios/xhr call to get real data. But since you are temporarily loading data from a JSON file, I’m doing something similar to you here. I assign this data to a data value on the component whenever the watcher detects a change (or the first time because I have immediate: true
I created a codesandbox with a working demo of this: https://codesandbox.io/s/vue-routing-example-forked-zesye
PS: You’ll find people are more receptive and eager to help when a minimal example question is created to isolate the problematic code. You can read more about that here: https://stackoverflow.com/help/minimal-reproducible-example