You must have to misunderstood what _.findKey()
This method is like _.find except that it returns the key of the first element predicate returns truthy for instead of the element itself.
See Example 2 in the code below.
If you want to retrieve the value from the object at a given path, you must use _.property() (Example 2 below)
const eligibilityCriteria = [
{ field: 'loan.amount', operator: '>=', value: 1000 },
{ field: 'loan.term', operator: '>=', value: 1 },
const application = {
loan: {
amount: 500,
term: 2,
amount2: 0,
// example 1
// outputs "loan"
console.log(_.findKey(application, "amount"))
// outputs undefined - there is no key in application object that has property chain "loan.amount"
console.log(_.findKey(application, "loan.amount"))
// outputs undefined - "amount2" key is there but the value is falsy
console.log(_.findKey(application, "amount2"))
// example 2
for (const [ci, criteria] of eligibilityCriteria.entries()) {
console.log(criteria.field, _.property(criteria.field)(application))
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