If I understand, you have an array of skills like:
skill: [
{'name': 'a_name', 'percentage': '20'}
{'name': 'b_name', 'percentage': '30'}
and you want to access a particular member of that array in your template. The normal way the arrays end up in templates is using a v-for:
<li v-for="a_skill in skill">
{{ a_skill.name }}
…which would like all the skills in the array.
If you want to access a particular member of that array you will need to add the index like this:
<input v-model="skill[0].name"> // not skill.0.name
(don’t forget the hyphen in v-model
it’s missing in your example)
You can even do that if you have some data you want to use as the index. For example:
data () {
return {
skill: [
{"name": "Foo"},
{"name": "Bar"}
i: 1
Then you could use this in your template:
<input v-model="skill[i].name">