[Vuejs]-Vue.js how to get data in controller from parent, calculate new variables and show them reactively


You could change your data properties into computed properties, which are automatically updated when any of its dependencies (the incoming props in this case) change:

// InformationBlock.vue
export default {
    props: {/*...*/},

    // data: function () {
    //     let loan_body = this.property_value-this.initial_fee
    //     let t = this.interest_rate/1200
    //     let month_pay = Math.round(loan_body*(t + t/(Math.pow((1+t), this.credit_term*12)-1)))
    //     let income = Math.round(5 * month_pay/3)
    //     let overpayment = Math.round(month_pay*this.credit_term*12-this.property_value+this.initial_fee)
    //     return {
    //         loan_body,
    //         income,
    //         overpayment,
    //         month_pay
    //     }
    // },

    computed: {
        load_body() {
            return this.property_value - this.initial_fee
        income() {
            return Math.round(5 * this.month_pay/3)
        overpayment() {
            return Math.round(this.month_pay * this.credit_term * 12 - this.property_value + this.initial_fee)
        month_pay() {
            let t = this.interest_rate/1200
            return Math.round(this.loan_body*(t + t/(Math.pow((1+t), this.credit_term*12)-1)))

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