[Vuejs]-Vue.js โ€“ Filtering inside v-for, how to handle if Array is actually null



Your v-if should work, but if your condition is more complex than a simple if you can consider using a computed method for this. It could also handle the filter in it. You can also use isArray for a better check.

computed: {
  artistSocialMedia () {
    if( !Array.isArray(this.artwork.artist.socialMedia) ) {
     return []

    return this.artwork.artist.socialMedia.filter(social => social.url.length > 0)

and then use the computed method

   v-for="(social, index) in artistSocialMedia"
   v-bind:href="parseSocialMediaURL(social.url, social.platform)"



As part of the vue documentation, you should not be using them together https://v2.vuejs.org/v2/guide/conditional.html#v-if-with-v-for.

To render conditionally without adding addition elements wrap it in a template

<template v-if="artwork.artist.socialMedia">
        v-for="(social, index) in artwork.artist.socialMedia.filter(social => social.url.length > 0)"
        v-bind:href="parseSocialMediaURL(social.url, social.platform)"

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