[Vuejs]-Vue.js EventListenner


Yes. In the Mounted() hook of the component that contains the element #mp_addCloud, you can say something to the effect of:


Clarification: in that statement, this is the Vue component. $el is that component’s root element.

Edit: as @cccn stated in their answer, the event name is mouseover, not hover.

Edit 2: If you want to use the v-on directive, you can wrap the event in an anonymous function or call a method on the Vue element:

Anonymous function:
<my-element v-on:mouseover="() => alert('1')"></my-element>

Via method:
<my-element v-on:mouseover="myAlertFunction"></my-element>

With this approach, you’ll need to define your method in the Vue component’s methods:

methods: {
   myAlertMethod() {


This has nothing to do with Vue. You just use wrong event. Try with mouseover instead of hover.

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