[Vuejs]-Vue Js – Displaying elements using v-for loop in single line (for pagination)



The reason for each link is displayed in new line is because you are iterating a div element which is a block element. You can use an inline element like span or Vue specific template which won’t render any additional markup or you can just iterate the router link

  :to="'/top/pages/' + n"
  v-for="n in this.totalPages"
>{{ n }}</router-link>

Using template instead of div.

<template v-for="n in this.totalPages">
    <router-link :to="'/top/pages/' + n" @click.native="getPaginatedUser" :key="n">{{ n }}</router-link>


You can change either the component div to span, or change the style of the div to:

display: inline-block;


just move the v-for to the router-link component:

   <router-link v-for="n in this.totalPages" :key="n" :to="'/top/pages/' + n" @click.native="getPaginatedUser">{{ n }}</router-link>

The router-link component will render an <a> tag by default, which you can then style via css to get the layout you want.


new Vue({
  el: '#root',
  router: new VueRouter()
a + a { margin-left: 0.3rem; }
<script src="https://unpkg.com/vue/dist/vue.js"></script>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/vue-router/dist/vue-router.js"></script>
<div id="root">
  <router-link v-for="id in 10" :key="id" :to="'/foo/' + id">{{id}}</router-link>


Add a class to template/div and style it with:

display: flex;

and v-for the router link instead of the div.
It should put your pagination inline!

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