[Vuejs]-Vue.js custom directive doesn't run componentUpdated hook?


This doesn’t quite properly answer the question (can’t recall why this solution worked) but it’s an attempt to help @Jeppebm. So I can’t recall the precise reason why but the following was what I ended up with:

var ternaryToggle = Vue.component('ternary-toggle', {
    props: ['displayText', 'toggleId'],
    data: function() {
        return {
            state: 'neutral',
            stateTransitions: {
                neutral: 'include',
                include: 'exclude',
                exclude: 'neutral'
    methods: {
        toggle: function() {
            this.state = this.stateTransitions[this.state]
            this.$emit('switched', this.toggleId, this.state)
    template: '<span v-bind:class="state + \' btn btn-small\'" v-on:click="toggle">{{ displayText }}</span>'

I think the overall conclusion I came to might have been to just ditch the custom directive for this effort.

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