The context is not properly set in setTimeout(function() {});
, so this
is not your Vue component within the timer callback. If your project allows ES6, you could use an arrow function to fix the issue:
setTimeout(() => {
this.image = '...';
}, 2000);
On the other hand, if you could only use ES5, you’d have to use Function#bind
to fix the issue:
setTimeout(function() {
this.image = '...';
}.bind(this), 2000);
…or pass in a reference to this
var self = this;
setTimeout(function() {
self.image = '...';
}, 2000);
Fading image
You could use Vue’s <transition>
to fade the <img>
new Vue({
el: '#demo',
data() {
return {
show: true
.fade-enter-active, .fade-leave-active {
transition: opacity .3s;
.fade-enter, .fade-leave-to /* .fade-leave-active below version 2.1.8 */ {
opacity: 0;
<script src="https://unpkg.com/vue@2.5.16"></script>
<div id="demo">
<button v-on:click="show = !show">
Toggle image
<transition name="fade">
<img v-if="show" src="//placekitten.com/100/100" alt="kitten">