In order to make the pagination work together with the filtering you need to combine the pagination
logic with your searchResults
in displayedUsers
displayedUsers() {
return this.paginate(this.searchResults);
Then you will need to use displayedUsers
everywhere where you are interested the combined result, so in your template:
<tr v-for="(user, index) in displayedUsers">
There is one more thing to fix in your code: the number of pages currently always uses the original user count, which has to be updated to use the “current” user count:
setPages(users) {
this.pages.length = 0; //we need to clear the previously set pages
var numberOfPages = Math.ceil(users.length / this.perPage);
for (var index = 1; index <= numberOfPages; index++) {
And update the pages whenever the dispayedUsers are changed:
watch: {
displayedUsers() {
If you also want to reset the page when on search you just need to set the page
in searchResults
searchResults() {
this.page = 1;
return this.users.filter((user) => {
return user.name.first.match(this.search);
Working JSFiddle.