As v-scroll-to
cannot be bound to v-bind
, I found a little work around that actually solve my issue and avoid to duplicate the code twice. I bind the @click
to a method that inspect the url
value and $scollTo
if needed, and it solve my problem.
<div class="button-layout" :style="`margin: ${margin}; text-align: ${align};`">
v-for="(button, index) in buttons"
:style="`margin-left: ${index === 0 ? '' : space};`"
export default {
name: "ButtonLayout",
components: {},
props: {
button: String,
margin: String,
align: String,
space: String,
buttons: Array
methods: {
type(type) {
return type ? { type } : {}
scrollTo(url) {
if (url) this.$scrollTo(url)
computed: {
buttonComponent() {
return () => import(`./button/${this.button}`);
You can pass an object to v-bind
and it will create html attributes based on the keys of the object.
Something like this should work
v-for="(button, index) in buttons"
v-bind="{[button.url ? 'v-scroll-to' : 'type' ] : (button.url || button.type} }"
:style="`margin-left: ${index === 0 ? '' : space};`" />
Or you could declare a new method that returns the desired object
methods: {
buttonDirective (button) {
if (button.url) {
return {
'v-scroll-to': button.url
} else {
return {
'type': button.type
and then call it in component
v-for="(button, index) in buttons"
:style="`margin-left: ${index === 0 ? '' : space};`" />