Can you try this ?
var socket = io('localhost:3000');
new Vue({
el: "#ulist",
data: {
users: []
mounted: function() {
var _self = this;
this.$nextTick(function() {
socket.on('test-action', function(data) {
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The problem is with the scope of your this
variable. In your code this line:
is scoped to the function call within the ajax request, if you use () =>
it will keep the current scope in context within your method. Also, you shouldn’t need nextTick
within the mounted call so try this:
var socket = io('localhost:3000');
new Vue({
el: "#ulist",
data: {
users: []
mounted: function() {
socket.on('test-action', data => {
Although you were using bind(this)
you were using this
within nextTick
which was causing scope issues.
Another thing worth noting, lists require a key in vue v?? (I can’t remember which) so it’s best to add a key when using v-for
<ul id="ulist">
<li v-for="(user, index) in users" :key="index">
@{{ user }} <!-- "@" needed since this is in a laravel project with blade templates -->