[Vuejs]-Vue how to call filter from parent



There is no point. Just include your mixin in the child as well. A component should ideally be autonomous, and not aware of where it is in the hierarchy of components (at least not the ones above or on the same level.


  • You should just make the filter global available before starting the root instance with

    Vue.filter('uppercase', uppercase);

    Where uppercase can be a simple function like

    function uppercase(str)
      return str.uppercase();

    That would be the most simple and reliable way to use the filter on all vue components;

  • If you import your filters to your parent via mixins why don’t you use that mixin in the child?

  • Please do not use the this.$parent-method as it makes your child component statical dependend of that parent.

    • To use the $parent approach you may need to declare the filter function from the parent as a filter in the child:

      uppercase: this.$parent.$options.filters.uppercase

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