Credits to Linus Borg who answered my question for me on the forum. Was just understanding the purpose of events incorrectly.
Events are usually used to communicate from a child component to a parent component, so triggering an event ‘close’ in a componet will not run a method of that name in that component.
If you want that, you have to actually register a listener to that event:
created () {
this.$on('close', this.close /*the name of the method to call */)
However, this isn’t really necessary in your case. you are already passing the close method to the directive, so you can run it directly:
Vue.directive('click-outside', {
bind: function (el, binding, vnode) {
document.addEventListener(clickHandler, (event) => {
const clickedInsideDropdown = el.contains(event.target);
if (!clickedInsideDropdown && el.classList.contains(openClass)) {
// alternartively, you could also call the method directly on the instance, no need for an event:
// but that wouldn't really be elegant, agreed?