[Vuejs]-VUE-COMPOSITION-API: why does ref not feel reactive on contenteditable


The problem is somehow, I don’t get the event in the component. This is definitively not a ref() problem.
But anyway, universal event forwarding is completely "hacky" with vue2 (you’ll notice in contenteditable source code I have to manually forward all the events…)

So, Two options :

  1. I invite you to try with Vue3 (I stopped further developpment of vue-contenteditable for Vue2, only the Vue3 version is maintained)

  2. If you really can’t move to vue 3, then you can use this hack to "patch" your problem :

<div id="app">
+++   ref="ce"
--- setup() {
+++ setup(props, {refs}) {
    const insertImgTag = () => {
      const image =
        '<img class="separator" src="/text-image.png" width="27px" height="19px">';

      let sel, range, node;
      if (window.getSelection) {
        sel = window.getSelection();
        if (sel.getRangeAt && sel.rangeCount) {
          range = window.getSelection().getRangeAt(0);
          node = range.createContextualFragment(image);
      } else if (document.selection && document.selection.createRange) {
+++   string.value = refs.ce.current_content();

(note :the {refs} in setup is a vue-compositionapi hack because the vue3 way of doing it can’t be implemented with vue2)

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