As mentioned in the comments, the name of the method called is incorrect.
As mentioned by @qimolin, the values related to each option are not being passed to the function that saves it, this can be done by passing a value at calling the action.
methods: {
async acceptConsent() {
await this.$store.dispatch('account/updateCommunicationPreferences', { consent: true })
async declineConsent() {
await this.$store.dispatch('account/updateCommunicationPreferences', { consent: false })
or even that simplified with a single method
v-for="(communication, index) in communicationPreferenceType"
:key="index + communication.name"
methods: {
async updateConsent(consent) {
await this.$store.dispatch('account/updateCommunicationPreferences', { consent })
and that parameter must be captured on action
async updateCommunicationPreferences({ commit, state }, payload) {
const { consent } = payload // true or false. This is the value selected by the user.
const { communicationTypeName } = state.communicationTypeName
if (!communicationTypeName) {
try {
const response = await this.$axios.put(`/communication-consent/${communicationTypeName}`)
const { data: updatedCommunicationPreferences } = response.data
commit('SET_UPDATED_COMMUNICATION_PREFERENCES', updatedCommunicationPreferences)
} catch (error) {
commit('ADD_ERROR', { id: 'updateCommunicationPreferences', error }, { root: true })