[Vuejs]-Vue component react to changes in vue data object


You can use props to pass data from parent to the child component.
More details can be found on the official documentation.

// Component declaration
Vue.component('table-element', {
    // declare the props
    props: ['tableHtml'],
    // just like data, the prop can be used inside templates
    // and is also made available in the vm as this.message
    template: '<div>{{ tableHtml }}</div>',
    data: function() {    
        self = this; 
        return self.tableHtml;

page = new Vue({

  el: "#container",

  data: {
    table_html: "<table>...table contents </table>
<div id="container">
  <table-element v-bind:table-html = "table_html" ></table-element>


1) props can be a good solution in communication parent- child components or recorder -direct registered child. remember that props is a variable data as data in a vue instante.
2) you store data a object in javascript in global scope in your external js file , if you use it in passing data to offspring child in the architecture of html code- it isn’t a elegant solution.
3) you can use vuex to control the communication of data in the architecture of components.

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