[Vuejs]-Vue-cli-service@latest' is not in the npm registry on Windows. Works in WSL


TL;DR: Run npm install.

vue-cli-service is provided by the @vue/cli-service in your devDependencies. Because you don’t specify the package in the npx command, it fails if it has to look in the registry. Without npx, your npm script will look in node_modules/.bin for vue-cli-service. You can remove npx from your npm scripts and you should see the same results you’re getting now.

The fact that npx isn’t finding vue-cli-service indicates that you have not run npm install. Do that and your npm scripts should work as is. Without running npm install, you will certainly run into other issues once you fix this one.

If, for some reason, you want the npm scripts to work without running npm install, you can tell npx where to find the binary in the registry. Change npx vue-cli-service in your npm scripts to be npx -p @vue/cli-service vue-cli-service instead and it should fix this problem. But you will certainly run into other problems. You’ll want npm install regardless.

But to really get at the root of things, you’ll need to figure out why the difference between WSL and non-WSL environments in your setup. My guess is that you have @vue/cli-service installed globally somewhere that only WSL finds it in your PATH but that’s just a guess.

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