[Vuejs]-Vue CLI + Axios TypeError: XX is not a function



I found an answer to my problem. The method is not a member of the class, since it is never bound to this.
I fixed this in the most typescripty way I could find, using arrow functions. Simply binding in the constructor gave me another error, which I then found out I had to correct certain places in the Api class as well.

The resulting portalService.ts looks like this:

import { Portal } from '@/interfaces/portal';
import { AxiosRequestConfig, AxiosResponse } from 'axios';
import { apiConfig } from './config/api.config';
import { Api } from './superclasses/api';

const api = '/portals';

export class PortalService extends Api {
  constructor(config: AxiosRequestConfig) {

  public getPortals = async (): Promise<Portal[]> => {
    const portals = await this.get<Portal, AxiosResponse<Portal[]>>(api);
    return this.success(portals);

export const portalService = new PortalService(apiConfig);

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