Vue 2.4.0+ syntax can be used:
<a v-on="{click:myFunc}" ...
For this syntax passive
, once
and capture
modifiers can be assigned using &
, ~
and !
prefixes correspondingly
(Event & Key Modifiers).
Other modifiers aren’t implemented yet
(see this issue: Extending object syntax of v-on to support modifiers #7846).
See https://v2.vuejs.org/v2/guide/syntax.html#v-on-Shorthand
There are 2 important shorthand notations:
<div :value="true"></div>
means <div v-bind:value="true"></div>
<div @click="myFunc"></div>
means <div v-on:click="myFunc"></div>
So you can use both interchangeably.
It might not work in your case, i have not yet tried to mix react-dom and vue together.