[Vuejs]-Vue 3 – How to set Typescript object to one of many interfaces?


What you have is perfectly fine. In fact you did the right thing. You will always have to provide at least the properties of interface of the union type. I would suggest to do something like this

// I(nterface)User
type IUser = Baseball | Basketball | Football;

When you are unsure about what object your getting the only thing you can do is test for the properties you need.

Here is an explanation of a custom XOR type. Maybe this can help you. This will not allow you to put A, B AND C but only the properties of a single interface.

type Without < T, U > = {
  [P in Exclude < keyof T, keyof U > ] ? : never
type XOR < T, U > = (T | U) extends object ? (Without < T, U > & U) | (Without < U, T > & T) : T | U;

interface Profile {
  firstName: string
  lastName: string
  status: string
  stats: XOR < XOR < Baseball, Basketball > , Football >

export interface Baseball {
  A: string
  B: string

export interface Basketball {
  A: string
  C: string

export interface Football {
  A: string
  D: string

type IUser = Profile

const user: IUser = {
  firstName: 'Michael',
  lastName: 'Jordan',
  status: 'GOAT',
  stats: {
    A: '',
    B: ''


A workaround is to move the object initialization outside of the reactive():

import { defineComponent, reactive } from 'vue'


export default defineComponent({
  setup() {
    const initProfile: Baseball | Basketball | Football = {
      firstName: 'Michael',
      lastName: 'Jordan',
      status: 'GOAT',
      stats: {
        A: '1',
        C: '2',
    const user = reactive(initProfile)

    console.log(user.stats.C) // βœ…

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