What you have is perfectly fine. In fact you did the right thing. You will always have to provide at least the properties of interface of the union type. I would suggest to do something like this
// I(nterface)User
type IUser = Baseball | Basketball | Football;
When you are unsure about what object your getting the only thing you can do is test for the properties you need.
Here is an explanation of a custom XOR type. Maybe this can help you. This will not allow you to put A, B AND C
but only the properties of a single interface.
type Without < T, U > = {
[P in Exclude < keyof T, keyof U > ] ? : never
type XOR < T, U > = (T | U) extends object ? (Without < T, U > & U) | (Without < U, T > & T) : T | U;
interface Profile {
firstName: string
lastName: string
status: string
stats: XOR < XOR < Baseball, Basketball > , Football >
export interface Baseball {
A: string
B: string
export interface Basketball {
A: string
C: string
export interface Football {
A: string
D: string
type IUser = Profile
const user: IUser = {
firstName: 'Michael',
lastName: 'Jordan',
status: 'GOAT',
stats: {
A: '',
B: ''
π€Vincent Menzel
A workaround is to move the object initialization outside of the reactive()
import { defineComponent, reactive } from 'vue'
export default defineComponent({
setup() {
const initProfile: Baseball | Basketball | Football = {
firstName: 'Michael',
lastName: 'Jordan',
status: 'GOAT',
stats: {
A: '1',
C: '2',
const user = reactive(initProfile)
console.log(user.stats.C) // β
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