Virtualizedlists should never be nested inside plain scrollviews with the same orientation because it can break windowing and other functionality – use another virtualizedlist-backed container instead.

Virtualized lists, such as the ones provided by libraries like React Virtualized or React Window, are designed to efficiently render a large number of items by only rendering the ones that are currently visible on the screen. They achieve this by recycling and reusing DOM elements as the user scrolls.

On the other hand, plain scroll views are just containers that allow content to be scrolled when it exceeds the available space. They don’t have any built-in optimizations for rendering large amounts of content efficiently.

When a virtualized list is nested inside a plain scroll view with the same scroll direction (orientation), it can lead to several problems. One of the main issues is that both components will try to optimize their rendering, but their optimizations will conflict with each other.

For example, let’s say you have a virtualized list inside a plain vertical scroll view. When the user starts scrolling, the scroll view will try to render all its content, which includes the virtualized list. However, the virtualized list will also try to optimize its rendering by only rendering the visible items. This conflicting behavior can result in incorrect rendering, flickering, or even crashing of the application.

To solve this issue, it is recommended to use another container that is backed by a virtualized list instead of nesting it inside a plain scroll view. The virtualized list container will take care of efficiently rendering the items, and the outer container will handle the scrolling.

Here’s an example using React Virtualized library:

import { List } from ‘react-virtualized’;

const MyVirtualizedListComponent = () => {
// Your virtualized list component implementation

const MyScrollableContainerComponent = () => {
return (


Item {index}



ReactDOM.render(, document.getElementById(‘root’));

In this example, we have a virtualized list component (`MyVirtualizedListComponent`) and a scrollable container component (`MyScrollableContainerComponent`). The scrollable container component uses the `react-virtualized` library’s `List` component, which is a virtualized list. It sets the desired width, height, row height, row count, and a row renderer function to define how each item should be rendered.

By using the virtualized list container (`List` component) as the outer container, we ensure efficient rendering of the items while still allowing scrolling through the content.

Remember to adjust the styles and properties according to your specific use case.

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