[Django]-ValueError: Couldn't load manifest 'staticfiles.json' (version 1.0)


The staticfiles.json manifest version changed in Django 4.2 (see commit).

The error message Couldn't load manifest 'staticfiles.json' (version 1.0) is probably happening when Django before version 4.2 tries to parse a manifest made by Django 4.2, for example in the case of downgrading an instance of Django from version 4.2 to version 3.2.

In this case, the easiest solution would be to empty out STATIC_ROOT and run collectstatic again.



In the staticfiles.json file change the "version": 1.1 to "version":1.0



From the Django static files documentation

Since creating the MD5 hash can be a performance burden to your
website during runtime, staticfiles will automatically store the
mapping with hashed names for all processed files in a file called
staticfiles.json. This happens once when you run the collectstatic
management command.

So it seems you did not run the collectstatic command

python manage.py collectstatic
πŸ‘€Stefano Losi


Faced the same issue, collectstatic command was raising this.
After a lot of looking around, this worked for me

Remove all the files starting with staticfiles* and rebuild your app.

sudo rm static/staticfiles*
πŸ‘€Kanhaya Ky

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