[Vuejs]-ValidationMixin missing required function, race condition?


Woo solved it after 5 hours and a lot of research. So turns out it was a sort of race condition, data() was calling the JS file before anything was declared. Fixed that by replacing everything with a const called mixin outside of export default.

Secondly, if it’s telling you VariableName.method(‘blah’) is not a function in your data, try adding a [0] at the end.

 data: function() {

      return {
        username: {value: "", validator: validationMixin.required('Username')[0]},
        password: {value: "", validator: validationMixin.passwordRules[0]},
        passwordConfirm: {value: "", validator: 'x'}

Here is my updated mixin code:

function buildRules(regExps = [], fns = [], errorMessages = ["Input is invalid"]){
  return [(field) => {
    if(!field) {
      return errorMessages[0];

    let errMessage = null;
    let i = 1;
    regExps.every((exp) => {
        errMessage = i < errorMessages.length ? errorMessages[i] : errorMessages[0];
        return false;
      return true;
    if (!errMessage) {
      fns.every((fn) => {
        if (!fn(field)) {
          errMessage = i < errorMessages.length ? errorMessages[i] : errorMessages[0];
          return false;
        return true;

    return errMessage || true;

const mixin = {}
  mixin.emailRules = buildRules(
    ['Invalid email']

  mixin.userIdRules = buildRules(
  ['Invalid username']

  mixin.passwordRules = buildRules(
    pwd => pwd.length >= 8,
    pwd => /.*[A-Z].*/.test(pwd) && /.*[a-z].*/,
    pwd => /.*[0-9].*/.test(pwd),
    pwd => /.*[!@#$%^&*()\-_=+[{}\]| /\\.,<>`~'";:?].*/.test(pwd)
    'You must create a password',
    'Password must be at least 8 characters',
    'Password must contain upper and lowercase letters',
    'Password must contain a number',
    'Password must contain a special character',

mixin.required = (fieldName) => buildRules([],[],[`${fieldName} is required`]);

mixin.checkedRule = (message) => buildRules([],[],[message]);

mixin.passwordsMatch = (originalPassword) => buildRules(
  [],[(validatePassword) => validatePassword === originalPassword],
  ['Passwords must match']

mixin.urlRule = buildRules(
  [(url) => {
      url = url.substring('http://'.length)
      url = url.substring('https://'.length)
    return /[A-z|0-9]+\.[A-z|0-9]{2,22}/.test(url)
  ['Invalid URL']

mixin.pageIdRule = buildRules([/^[A-Za-z0-9]*$/], [], 'Invalid Page Id')

export default mixin

Lastly, I had to add the JS file as a mixin rather than a component or trying to directly use it.

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