[Answered ]-Validation of the serial number against the mask in Django rest


First of all, there is one clash in your Mask, meaning there will be more than one version for the same type since:

A is a capital letter of the Latin alphabet;
X is a capital letter of the Latin alphabet or a number from 0 to 9;

More precisely 0QWER9@123 corresponds to NAAAAXZXXX but also to NAAAANZNNN. Unless you impose some condition, which I will do in my example in order to obtain the desired result (Only the first numeric element gets 'N' the others will get 'X').

Now, to answer your question. I believe an elegant way to implement this would be to write a custom validator that you can place in a separate file:


def validate_sn_mask(value):
    mask = ""
    special_list = ["-", "_", "@"]
    first_number = True

    for character in value:
        if character.isnumeric():
            if first_number:
                mask += "N"
                first_number = False
                mask += "X"
        elif character.isalpha():
            if character.isupper():
                mask += "A"
                mask += "a"
        elif character in special_list:
            mask += "Z"
            # Although you already have a regex in your Model
            raise ValidationError({"msg": "Invalid Mask"})

    qs = Type_Of_Equipment.objects.filter(sn_mask=mask)

    if not qs:
        raise ValidationError({"msg": "Mask has no correspondent type"})

    return qs[0]


class EquipmentSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
    class Meta:
        model = Equipment
        fields = ['code', 'sn_number','type_of_equipment']
        extra_kwargs = {
            'type_of_equipment': {'required': False}
    def validate(self, attrs):
        equipment_type_instance = validate_sn_mask(attrs['sn_number'])
        attrs['type_of_equipment'] = equipment_type_instance
        return super().validate(attrs)


class GetOrCreateEquip(APIView):
    def get(self, request):

    def post(self, request):
        serializer = EquipmentSerializer(data=request.data)
        return Response(serializer.data)

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