You can do this type of validation by overriding clean
on a formset that you can inherit from:
from django.forms.models import BaseInlineFormSet
class RequiredFormSet(BaseInlineFormSet):
def clean(self):
for error in self.errors:
# If any errors exist, return
if error:
completed_formsets = 0
for cleaned_data in self.cleaned_data:
# only count the form if it's not being deleted
if cleaned_data and not cleaned_data.get('DELETE', False):
completed_formsets += 1
if completed_formsets < 2 or completed_formsets > 5:
raise forms.ValidationError("You must enter between "
"2 and 5 {}".format(self.model._meta.verbose_name))
If you need to call an API with your post data after that, you can override the save, or do it in your, whatever’s best for your project.
The minimum / maximum number of forms could come from settings, or be passed in when the formset is instantiated instead of hard-coding them in this example.