[Answered ]-Vagrant 'paver devstack lms' Starting server: Command "python setup.py egg_info" failed with error code 1


Solve this problem with some steps:

Requested meliae==0.4.0 (from -r requirements/edx/base.txt (line 53)),but installing version None

This line define there is some error in base.txt file when vagrant try to install all base.txt file dependences.

Solve this in steps:

1) Open base.txt file and comment meliae==0.4.0 line like (#meliae==0.4.0)

2) Now try pip install -r base.txt file if it successfully run then no problem or if any other package create problem then follow 1(comment this for now) step.

3) after successfully run base.txt
3.1) exit from edx-platform
3.2) On vagrant instance (comes after vagrant ssh command) install all commented packages (pip install meliae==0.4.0 in my case)

NOW run your lms system again 🙂


if the above steps don’t work, try installing Cython, meliae==0.4.0, and libxmlsec1 from Vagrant instance.

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