if you are using something like
r.meta.fields = newValue
then this won’t work.
you should use
Vue.set(r.meta.fields, indexOfItem, newValue)
document here: vue update array
- [Vuejs]-Rendering escaped HTML from api call with vue.js
- [Vuejs]-$emit and $on strange behavior – Vue2
You could create a mapping for the sort icons and handle the changes on click:
const vm = new Vue({
el: '#app',
data() {
const iconMap = {
sort: {
'asc': 'fa-sort-up',
'desc': 'fa-sort-down'
return {
r: {
meta: {
fields: [
label: 'field #1',
sortable: false,
sort_direction: 'asc',
icon: ''
label: 'field #2',
sortable: true,
sort_direction: 'desc',
icon: iconMap.sort['desc']// Initially sortable in descending order
methods: {
sortField(field) {
let direction = (field.sort_direction === 'asc') ? 'desc' : 'asc';
let icon = this.iconMap.sort[direction] || '';
field.sort_direction = direction;
field.icon = icon;
Template or HTML
<div id="app">
<th v-for="field in r.meta.fields" :key="field.label">
<a href="#"