[Fixed]-Using urls in Django 1.9


You’re passing attributes that do not have any value as your defaults. You should do this instead:

from datetime import datetime as dt

def get(self, request, year=None, month=None):
    if year is None:
        year = dt.today().year
    if month is None:
        month = dt.today().month

To use this in your template:

<li><a href="{% url 'entry0' %}">Entry</a></li> 


Your url template tag should get keyword args instead of just args

<li><a href="{% url 'entry' year=year month=month%}">Entry</a></li> 


OK, first things first. The whole logic of yours isn’t clean or pythonic.
You need 1 url, 1 view and 1 template

url(r'^entry/(?P<year>\d{4})/(?P<month>\d{1,2})/$', Entry.as_view(),name='entry')

define your view

def get(self, request, year=None, month=None):

Now, inside your view check if your params have value None,

if (year is None) and (month is None) :
# set today values

mplah mplah mplah…..
hope you get the point….

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