I see 2 different errors in there, both of them are with props.
- I assume your component is taking the route as a prop, and you are also using the route as a method, which you might have put inside
methods: {}
which is not allowed. Make sure you rename your method route to something else.
Note: As a matter of fact you can’t have any data coinciding with each other. your props, data, computed props and methods all should have unique names.
- You are trying to use v-model on the props directly which won’t work in Vue. if the prop is a primitive (Number, String, Boolean etc). but you can pass Object or an Array which can hold a reference to the data. This is because reactivity in Vue can’t keep track of props when passed as primitives.
More on prop mutations here: https://v2.vuejs.org/v2/guide/components-props.html#One-Way-Data-Flow