The following code works:
class MyTrunc(Func):
def as_postgresql(self, compiler, connection):
return super().as_sql(compiler, connection, function="DATE_TRUNC")
But calling this function demand to swap kind with date when passing them:
task.timers.annotate(start_of=Trunc('task__frequency__time_unit', 'start'))
I’m not sure if this implementation is vulnerable to SQL injection
This will not work. Indeed, Django will check the value of kind
when it constructs the query, and then depending on the kind, make a different query, as we can see in the source code for MySQL [GitHub]:
def datetime_trunc_sql(self, lookup_type, sql, params, tzname): sql, params = self._convert_sql_to_tz(sql, params, tzname) fields = ["year", "month", "day", "hour", "minute", "second"] format = ("%Y-", "%m", "-%d", " %H:", "%i", ":%s") format_def = ("0000-", "01", "-01", " 00:", "00", ":00") if lookup_type == "quarter": return ( f"CAST(DATE_FORMAT(MAKEDATE(YEAR({sql}), 1) + " f"INTERVAL QUARTER({sql}) QUARTER - " f"INTERVAL 1 QUARTER, %s) AS DATETIME)" ), (*params, *params, "%Y-%m-01 00:00:00") if lookup_type == "week": return ( f"CAST(DATE_FORMAT(" f"DATE_SUB({sql}, INTERVAL WEEKDAY({sql}) DAY), %s) AS DATETIME)" ), (*params, *params, "%Y-%m-%d 00:00:00") try: i = fields.index(lookup_type) + 1 except ValueError: pass else: format_str = "".join(format[:i] + format_def[i:]) return f"CAST(DATE_FORMAT({sql}, %s) AS DATETIME)", (*params, format_str) return sql, params
but for other backends, like Oracle [GitHub], it is similar.
You can make a function that works for a specific dialect:
from django.db.models.expression import Func
class CustomDateTrunc(Func):
function = 'DATE_TRUNC'
then we can work with:
from django.db.models import DateField
from django.db.models.functions import Cast
CustomDateTrunc('start', kind='task__frequency__time_unit'),
but that will only work for some specific dialects, which is unfortunately not really the intention of the Django ORM.
- [Answered ]-How to add a placeholder attribute in Django Form
- [Answered ]-(How) does Django prevent data injection by manipulating forms?
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