pip install django-extra-views
And in view.py:
from extra_views import FormSetView
class ItemFormSetView(ModelFormSetView):
model = Service
template_name = 'service_formset.html'
There’s a discussion about getting this into Django core, but the discussions seems to have stagnated.
Where I found the solution
At this repository https://github.com/AndrewIngram/django-extra-views
there’s a view called ModelFormSetView, which does exactly what I needed.
It’s a class-based view, that does the same as CreateView, but for formsets.
Django go into form_invalid() and the form.errors say ‘this field is required’ for the length and name field.
This is normal and due to the required field paramatere:
By default, each Field class assumes the value is required, so if you
pass an empty value — either None or the empty string (“”) — then
clean() will raise a ValidationError exception:
If you want to inverse that, you can set required=False:
class Service(models.Model):
(15, '15 minutes'),
(30, '30 minutes'),
length = models.FloatField(choices=TIME_CHOICES,max_length=6, required=False)
name = models.CharField(max_length=40, required=False)
What am I missing to get it do validate correctly
Did you try to post a form with name and length values ?
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