I should loop over the servers in a template and hide the row inside
<template v-for="(server, index) in servers">
<tr :key="server.Id" v-if="server.Show">{{DATA}}</tr>
<img src="../assets/eye.png" @click="HideServer(server,index)" />
If I’m understanding you, you want to make the same without tbody tag?
In this case, you can replace tbody with template tag, this tag won’t be rendered, it would be the same than make v-for and v-if at the same line.
<template v-for="server in servers">
<tr v-if="server.Show == true" :key="server.Id">{{DATA}}</tr>
Try to use the index to modify the corresponding item :
<tbody v-for="(server,index) in servers" :key="server.Id">
<tr v-if="server.Show == true">.....
<img src="../assets/eye.png" @click="HideServer(server,index)" /></td>
HideServer(server,index) {
this.servers[index]={...server,Show : false}