[Vuejs]-Updating Dom on array element swaps for sorting visualiser Vue.JS


Solved this issue by switching approach by utilising a sleep promise that has a setTimeout and making the sorting algorithm function asynchronous.

It now steps through the animations of the algorithm at a speed that properly visualises the sorting process.

Code Below:

async bubbleSort(){
            console.log("Running Bubble Sort")
            var is_sorted = false;
            var counter = 0;
                is_sorted = true;
                for( let i = 0; i < (this.num_list.length - 1 - counter); i++){
                    // set compared values for coloring
                    this.compare_val_1 = this.num_list[i];
                    this.compare_val_2 = this.num_list[i +1];     
                    // check if values need to be swapped
                    if(this.num_list[i] > this.num_list[i + 1]){
                        this.swapNumbersInArray(i, i+1)
                        await this.sleep(5) // short delay so user can see the animation
                        is_sorted = false;
            counter =+ 1  
        this.sorted = true; // changes color to finalColor

            return new Promise((resolve) => {
            setTimeout(resolve, ms);

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