You’d better use Forms. But if you insist on your code it could be done like this.
Suppose you have variable field_to_update
where every field that you are waiting in request is listed.
subjobs_subjobid = request.POST[('subjob_id')]
field_to_update = ('subjob_name','subjob_type', 'rerun_id', 'priority_id', 'transfer_method', 'suitefile', 'topofile')
post_data = request.POST
to_be_updated = {field: post_data.get(field) for field in field_to_update if field in post_data}
# then you need to get the object, not filter it
subjobinstance = SubJobs.objects.get(id=subjobs_subjobid)
subjobinstance.update(**to_be_updated, updated=datetime.now())
except ObjectDoesNotExist: # from django.core.exceptions
print('There is no such object') # better to use logger
except Exception as e:
print("PROBLEM UPDAING SubJob!!!!")