Unknown ruby interpreter version (do not know how to handle): >=2.6.10.

The error message “unknown ruby interpreter version (do not know how to handle): >=2.6.10” suggests that the current Ruby interpreter is not recognized or supported by the system or tool you are using. This is commonly encountered when trying to run a Ruby script or application with a minimum required version that is higher than the installed version.

To resolve this issue, you have a few options:

  1. Upgrade Ruby: If the current version of Ruby installed on your system is below the required version (2.6.10 in this case), you can upgrade to a newer version. This can be done by installing a newer Ruby version using a package manager, such as Homebrew for macOS or RubyInstaller for Windows. Here is an example of how you can upgrade Ruby using Homebrew:

            $ brew update
            $ brew upgrade ruby
  2. Use a Ruby Version Manager: If you need to manage multiple versions of Ruby on your system, it is recommended to use a Ruby version manager. One popular version manager is RVM (Ruby Version Manager), which allows you to install and switch between different Ruby versions with ease. Here is an example of how you can install Ruby 2.6.10 using RVM:

            $ rvm install 2.6.10
  3. Specify a compatible interpreter version: If you are using a tool or framework that allows specifying the Ruby interpreter version, you can update the configuration file or settings to use a version that is compatible with your current Ruby installation. Refer to the documentation of the specific tool or framework for instructions on how to do this.

By following one of the above methods, you should be able to resolve the issue related to the unknown Ruby interpreter version and proceed with running your Ruby script or application.

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