I’m assuming that you’re using MySQL with the MySQLdb driver here.
The default encoding used by the MySQLdb driver is latin-1, which does not support your character set. You’ll need to use UTF-8 (or others, but UTF-8 is the most common) to be able to communicate with your database through MySQLdb (see http://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/rel_0_8/dialects/mysql.html#unicode).
To do such a thing, create your engine with the following line:
create_engine('mysql+mysqldb://USER:@SERVER:PORT/DB?charset=utf8', encoding='utf-8')
You can also construct your engine url using the sqlalchemy.engine.url.URL
class, and send it to the create engine
function. I find it useful when you have your settings in a config file.
import sqlalchemy.engine.url as url
engine_url = url.URL(
drivername='mysql+' + cfg['MYSQL_PYTHON_DRIVER'],
query={'charset': 'utf8'}
db = create_engine(engine_url, encoding='utf-8')
Hope that helps.
based on your stacktrace, you’re using MySQL Python with unicode encoding turned on, since it’s doing an encode. So you likely need to specify a comaptible encoding (note this is all settings used by the MySQLdb DBAPI, SQLalhcemy just passes them through):
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