[Django]-Unicode error when saving an object in django admin


I am now using the default id as primary key for every class of my model. As a consequence, I don’t have forbidden characters in the url when accessing objects from the admin site.

I do recommend to keep the default id as primary key in most cases



I’m pretty sure your database is probably using the latin1 encoding. Django supposes you have everything set as unicode (utf8).

To check this out, get into MySQL Shell and type:

mysql> show variables like 'char%';

If you see a bunch of latin1 (or any other encoding that isn’t utf8, except binary), you’ll have to do this:
Open up my.cnf and look for the [mysqld] section.
Make sure after tmpdir = /tmp, you have the following lines:


Restart the server.

You’ll have to recreate or manually edit the encoding of all databases and table you have, changing my.cnf only affects the databases that will be created.

Hope I’ve helped.

Edit: By the way, on which Django version are you on? Seems like this was a bug that was fixed on 1.1: http://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/10267



This link saved my day
you have to add unicode support for your admin in your models.py:

class MyModel (models.Model):
    some_field = models.CharField(max_length=1000)
    def __unicode__(self):
        return u'%s'%(self.some_field)

there might be other problems such as: your system encoding is not utf8, your database encoding is not utf8 and … which is mentioned in the link provided!


in your model, have you tried putting

class Model(models.Model):
   def __unicode__(self):
       return self.name ## having a model object named "name"

Not sure if this is the answer you are searhing for, but have you tried?

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