[Vuejs]-Unescape returned value from filters


You’ll have to use v-html and call the filter through $options

<td v-html="$options.filters.checkStatus(props.item.published)"></td>

But I would really suggest using a computed property or inline ternary expression on the bound class instead e.g.

With inline ternary:

    <span :class="[props.item.published > 0 ? 'bg-orange-400' : 'bg-teal-300']" class="text-highlight">
        <i :class="[props.item.published > 0 ? 'icon-check' : 'icon-cross3']"></i>

With computed properties:

    <span :class="spanClass" class="text-highlight">
        <i :class="iconClass"></i>

computed: {
    spanClass() {
        return this.props.item.published > 0 ? 'bg-orange-400' : 'bg-teal-300';
    iconClass() {
        return this.props.item.published > 0 ? 'icon-check' : 'icon-cross3';

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