Uncaught typeerror: failed to construct ‘formdata’: parameter 1 is not of type ‘htmlformelement’.

To format the answer as HTML content in a div element without the body, h1, and html tags, you can create a string of HTML code. Here’s an example:

const answer = `

Error: Uncaught TypeError: Failed to construct ‘FormData’: Parameter 1 is not of type ‘HTMLFormElement’.

Explanation: This error occurs when you try to pass a value that is not an HTMLFormElement as the first parameter to the FormData constructor.


      // Create a new FormData object
      const formData = new FormData();

      // Create an input element dynamically
      const input = document.createElement('input');
      input.type = 'text';
      input.name = 'username';
      input.value = 'John Doe';

      // Append the input element to the form data
      formData.append('user', input);

      // This will throw the 'Uncaught TypeError' error
      const invalidFormData = new FormData(formData);



In the example above, we have a div element enclosing the error message, explanation, and example. The error message is displayed using the “strong” tag for better emphasis. The example code is enclosed within a “pre” tag to maintain its formatting. The backticks (`) are used to create a template literal in JavaScript, which allows multi-line strings and variable interpolation.

Please note that the `

` element alone without the `body`, `h1`, and `html` tags doesn’t constitute a valid HTML structure. The given example is just meant to format and explain the content within a div element.

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