Uncaught referenceerror: chart is not defined


The error “Uncaught ReferenceError: chart is not defined” occurs when the JavaScript code tries to access a variable or function called “chart” that is not defined or not accessible in the current scope.

To fix this error, you need to ensure that the “chart” variable or function is properly defined and accessible where it is being used.


        // Example 1: Variable not defined
        function showError() {
          console.error(chart); // This will cause "Uncaught ReferenceError: chart is not defined" error
        // Example 2: Function not defined
        function drawChart() {
          chart.draw(); // This will cause "Uncaught ReferenceError: chart is not defined" error
        // Fix for Example 1
        var chart = 'MyChart'; // Define the variable before accessing it
        showError(); // Successfully logs 'MyChart'
        // Fix for Example 2
        var chart = {
          draw: function() {
            console.log('Drawing chart');
        }; // Define the function before calling it
        drawChart(); // Successfully logs 'Drawing chart'

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