You need to pass an instance to the form if you want to update the existing db entry but not to create a new one.
instance = Class.objects.get(some parameters here)
form = ClassForm(instance=instance)
I think you just need to add instance.save() after updating the many to many field.
if form.is_valid():
# Never enter this part of the form because form never validates
callNumber = form.cleaned_data.get("callNumber")
course = Class.objects.filter(pk = callNumber)
print course
print request.user
print course.Student_List.add(request.user)
print course
print "I added a student to the class"
callNumber = form.cleaned_data.get("callNumber")
print callNumber, "is the call number"
course = get_object_or_404(Class, pk=callNumber)
# print course
#I think this should do the trick.
return redirect('/user-course-status/')
Being noob to django myself, I m not sure this is what you were looking for.
The answer given by @chem1st is correct, change the below code
your code
form = ClassForm(request.POST or None)
replace with this code
form = ClassForm(request.POST or None, instance=request.user)
if you wan’t to show the existing data of that user in you form use this code
data = {
'callNumber': user.callNumber,
'**extra_fields**': user.**extra_fields**,
form = ClassForm(request.POST or None, instance=request.user, initial=data)
- [Answered ]-Django forms which needs the request , makes testing harder?
- [Answered ]-In Django, how to populate a generic relation from a single form field?