Unable to load spec files quite likely because they rely on `browser` object that is not fully initialised.

Unable to Load Spec Files

This issue occurs quite likely because the spec files rely on the `browser` object that is not fully initialised. The `browser` object is commonly used in end-to-end testing frameworks like Protractor or Cypress to interact with the browser for automation purposes.

When loading spec files, it is essential to ensure that the `browser` object is fully initialised and ready to be used. This can be achieved by checking that the browser has been launched and any prerequisite configurations or setups have been completed before running the spec files.

Example of Handling the Issue

      // Initialize the browser and perform any necessary setup before loading spec files
      beforeAll(async () => {
        await browser.launch(); // Launch the browser
        await browser.configure(); // Configure the browser settings
        await browser.loadExtensions(); // Load any required browser extensions
        // Any other prerequisite steps or setups

      // Load and execute the spec files once the browser is fully initialised
      describe('Example Test Suite', () => {
        beforeEach(async () => {
          // Perform any necessary actions before each test case

        it('Example Test Case', async () => {
          // Perform the test case actions using the browser object
          await browser.goTo('https://example.com');
          await browser.waitForElement('#example-element');
          // Make assertions or perform other operations
          expect(await browser.getElementText('#example-element')).toEqual('Expected Text');

      // Clean up and close the browser after all the spec files have been executed
      afterAll(async () => {
        await browser.close(); // Close the browser
        // Any other cleanup steps

In the above example, the `beforeAll` block is used to initialise the browser and perform any necessary setups before loading the spec files. It launches the browser, configures its settings, and loads any required extensions. Additional prerequisite steps can be added as per the specific testing requirements.

Inside the `describe` block, the spec files are executed using the `it` block. The `beforeEach` block can be used to perform any actions required before each test case, such as clearing cookies, navigating to a specific URL, etc. The actual test case actions are performed using the `browser` object, making use of its provided methods or properties.

After all the spec files have been executed, the `afterAll` block is responsible for cleaning up and closing the browser. This can include actions like clearing local storage, closing any active sessions, or performing any necessary cleanup steps.

By ensuring that the browser is fully initialised before loading the spec files and properly cleaning up afterwards, the issue of unable to load spec files due to reliance on an incomplete `browser` object can be resolved.

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