If you are using PostgreSQL, specify the level of distinction:
queryset = StoreProduct.objects.distinct('product')
you can also use it in conjunction with values()
, order_by()
, etc:
queryset = StoreProduct.objects.values('product').distinct()
I will suggest the following as solution but not the solution; either you choose PosgreSQL as database, specially that the newest Django version is coming with more built-in support for complex data structure, or you try make you own filter as follow (but in case you have large dataset this will be really bad):
store_product_id_list = StoreProduct.objects.values('product').distinct()
store_product_list = []
for obj in store_product_id_list:
store_product_obj = StoreProduct.objects.filter(product_id=obj.get('product')).first()
Check distinct for more examples