Problem here is not in your code but in your database state. Looks like you added django reversion
app. Which adds new Models in your project. Run
python manage.py syncdb
or if you in 1.8+
python manage.py migrate
If this doesn’t help than there are no migrations for your 3rd-party app you need to first create them with
python manage.py makemigrations name_3rd_party_app
Be careful with creating migrations on 3rd-party apps. When you run makemigrations
it creates migrations in 3rd-party app package. So it won’t be in your code. And after you deploy it, or other user uses it there are will not be this migrations. So you need to supply custom path for created migrations with https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.9/ref/settings/#migration-modules
And then run migrate
Try running
./manage.py makemigrations revisions
./manage.py migrate
or just delete the db file and start over with
./manage.py migrate