[Answer]-Unable to Create Projects in Django 1.4.2



Regardless of the file association (since that is currently just a guess on my part) you could call the absolute path to run it:

python C:\Python27\Scripts\django-admin.py startproject mysite

That should create your project, and from there, you can just work from within the project directory.

You should make sure to add C:\Python27\Scripts to your PATH. You don’t need to add the bin of django.



Your .py files are set to be open with notepad. Here’s what you need to do:

Right click any python file ending with the extension .py
click on properties
In the opens with section, you should be able to see notepad. click on the change button next to this.
click “browse” and locate your python.exe executable, most probably in c:\pythonxx\ directory then click on “open” then “ok”
That should set you up, or you can always revert back for clarifications.


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