Typeerror: unable to convert function return value to a python type! the signature was () -> handle

TypeError: Unable to convert function return value to a Python type!

This error occurs when you try to assign or store a function object instead of calling the function to get its return value. Python expects you to call functions using parentheses () to retrieve the value returned by the function.

Let’s see an example to better understand this error:

def multiply(a, b):
    return a * b
result = multiply  # Assigning the function object to 'result' variable

# Trying to print the result without calling the function
print(result)  # This will result in 'TypeError'

# Correct way of calling the function and printing the result
print(multiply(2, 3))  # Output: 6

In the example above, we defined a function called ‘multiply’ that takes two parameters and returns their product. Instead of calling the function using parentheses, we mistakenly assigned the function object itself to the ‘result’ variable.

When we try to print ‘result’ without calling the function, a TypeError is raised because we are trying to print the function object instead of the expected return value. To fix this, we need to call the function correctly as shown in the correct way in the example.

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